
IGNOU Regional Networks 2023-2024

Today, IGNOU serves the educational aspirations of over 3 million students in India and other countries through 21 Schools of Studies and is a network of 67 Regional Centers, around 2,000 Learner Support Centers and 20 overseas institutions. The University offers about 200 certificate, diploma, degree and doctoral programs, with a strength of nearly 250 faculty members and 230 academic staff at the headquarters and regional centres and over 35,000 academic counsellors from conventional institutions of higher learning, organisations, and industry amongst others.

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last date of admission to ignou courses in the july cycle extended till 9 September 2023. click to know the details

A prospectus containing all pertinent information about IGNOU and the academic programmes that the institution now offers. It offers courses, including Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral, Diploma, and Certificate programmes. You can also find information on IGNOU Support Centres, including updated contact information, so students may readily contact IGNOU RCs or SCs with their questions.

IGNOU Prospectus also includes information on IGNOU Admission, rules and regulations for admission, academic programmes, forms, procedures, IGNOU Study Material, Assignments, complete details of Study Center & Regional Center, Examination Center, International Division, Scholarships, Fees Structure, Credit System, Necessary Instructions, and much more.

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), set up through an Act of Parliament in 1985, has constantly striven to construct an inclusive knowledge society via inclusive schooling. It has attempted to growth the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) by way of providing great teaching via the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode. The University started with the aid of providing instructional programs in 1987, i.E., Diploma in Management and Diploma in Distance Education, with a strength of 4,528 college students.

The mandate of the University is to:

Provide access to higher education to all segments of the society.
Offer high-quality, innovative and need-based programs at different levels, to all those who require them.
Reach out to the disadvantaged by offering programs in all parts of the country at affordable costs.
Promote, coordinate and regulate the standards of education offered through open and distance learning in the country.
To achieve the twin objectives of widening access for all sections of society and providing continual professional development and training to all sectors of the economy, the University uses a variety of media and latest technology in imparting education.

IGNOU Admissions is a platform to provide all the information related to admissions in India’s largest distance university-IGNOU. Every year there are thousands of students who come forward to take admission in the distance programs of IGNOU but most of them face problems in getting the right information about their courses and admissions in them. IGNOU Admissions, as a portal provides a one-stop destination for all your queries regarding admission in any program of IGNOU.

Here, you get to know about the selection criteria of every course, admission procedure (both online and offline), documents required while applying in any course, fee structure, important dates of IGNOU admissions and entrance exams, and even the curriculum of every course offered by IGNOU. Furthermore, you will be able to know deeply about the courses and how these courses can benefit you. Hence, this portal will help you in taking a pragmatic career decision by providing authentic and non-exaggerated facts about IGNOU admissions.

The University operates through a network of 56 Regional Centres(RC), 11 Recognized Regional Centres (RRC) (i.e., 6, IGNOU-Army RRC, 4, IGNOU-Navy RRC 1, IGNOU-Assam Rifles RRC), and nearly 2000 Learner Support Centres across the country. The vast network of RCs and LSCs extends the outreach of IGNOU to the hitherto deprived rural, remote, socially, and physically disadvantaged segments of the population, providing them access to quality and cost-effective higher education in a flexible manner.

The Regional Centre has been defined under Section 2(J) of the IGNOU Act as under: "Regional Centre" means a Centre established or maintained by the University for the purpose of coordinating and supervising the work of the Study Centres in any region and for performing such other functions as may be conferred on such Centre by the Board of Management (BoM).

Further, under Section 5(1) (XXVI) of the Act, the University is empowered “To confer autonomous status on a College or a Regional Centre in the manner laid down by the statutes”

Regional Centres are established with the support and cooperation of the respective State Governments and are responsible for the promotion of the ODL system in the State/ region, establishment, development, maintenance, and monitoring of LSCs. Regional Centres are also responsible for the delivery of programs and student support services and the organization of staff development programs.

The following facilities have been provided at Regional Centres:

Library with study materials of all the academic programs, Programme Guides, and some reference books
Direct Receiving System (DRS) and equipment to receive satellite signals for interactive teleconference
EDUSAT facilities
Video cassettes / CDs
Audio cassettes / CDs
Computer Laboratory equipped with computers, servers, CD-writers, Scanners, and printers
Telephone and Fax
Internet and related items
Adequate furniture
Promotional literature of the University

IGNOU Kolkata Regional Center IGNOU Jammu Regional Center IGNOU Delhi Regional Center
IGNOU Jaipur Regional Center IGNOU Bangalore Regional Center IGNOU Chandigarh Regional Center
IGNOU Lucknow Regional Center IGNOU Patna Regional Center IGNOU Pune Regional Center