Admission for the IGNOU Bhopal Regional Centre for 2023 has begun. Before March 31, 2023, students can enrol in undergraduate, graduate, diploma, and other certificate programs (with the exception of certificate and semester-based programs). IGNOU established the Bhopal Regional Centre on September 5th, 1986, and it currently has jurisdiction over 31 districts in Madhya Pradesh.

for the IGNOU Bhopal Regional Centre for 2023 has begun. Before March 31, 2023,
students can enrol in undergraduate, graduate, diploma, and other certificate
programs (with the exception of certificate and semester-based programs). IGNOU
established the Bhopal Regional Centre on September 5th, 1986, and it currently
has jurisdiction over 31 districts in Madhya Pradesh. To address the issues
preventing students from the state's rural districts from obtaining the
education that would enable them to create a brighter future for themselves,
the IGNOU Bhopal was developed. Under this Bhopal Regional Centre, there are
approximately 66 learner support centres providing assistance.
of the IGNOU Bhopal Regional Centre
Centre Name
IGNOU – Bhopal Regional Centre
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
[email protected]
Pin Code
2023 IGNOU Bhopal Regional Centre
registration deadline for Bhopal Regional Center admissions is March 31, 2023.
The date has been extended for all courses. Students can submit applications
for courses including MEF, MAPC, MBA, BA, MCom, and BCom, among others.
Schedule for IGNOU Bhopal in 2023
MA (Distance Education) (MADE)
2 year
Master of Arts (Economics)
2 year
Master of Arts (English) (MEG)
2 year
Master of Arts (Hindi) (MHD)
2 year
Master of Arts (History) (MAH)
2 year
Master of Arts (Political
Science) (MPS)
2 year
Master of Arts (Public
Administration) (MPA)
2 year
Master of Arts (Rural
Development) (MARD)
2 year
Master of Arts (Sociology)
2 year
Master of Arts (Tourism
Management) (MTM)
2 year
Master of Arts(Education)
2 year
Master of Business
Administration (MBA)
2 year
Master of Commerce (MCom)
2 year
Master of Computer
Applications (MCA)
2 year
Master of Education (MEd )
2 year
Master of Library and
Information Science (MLIS)
2 year
Master of Science Degree in
Dietetics and Food Service Management (MSc(DFSM))
2 year
Master of Science in
Counselling and Family Therapy (MSC(CFT))
2 year
PG Diploma in Translation
1 year
Rs. 5,000
PG Disaster Management
1 year
Rs. 5,000
PG Educational
Management and Administration (PGDEMA)
1 year
Rs. 5,000
PG International
Business Operations (PGDIBO)
1 year
Rs. 5,000
PG Analytical Chemistry
1 year
Rs. 5,000
PG Audio Programme Production
1 year
Rs. 5,000
PG Distance Education (PGDDE)
1 year
Rs. 5,000
PG District Health Management
1 year
Rs. 5,000
Education Programs at the IGNOU Bhopal Regional Centre
IGNOU Certificate
Programs in Bhopal
- Certificate in Business
Skills (CBS)
- Certificate in Newborn
and Infant Care (CNIC)
- Certificate in NGO
Management (CNGOM)
- Certificate in
Nutrition and Childcare (CNCC)
- Certificate in Organic
Farming (COF)
- Certificate in Poultry
Farming (CPF)
- Certificate in Tourism
Studies (CTS)
- Certificate in Urdu
Language (CUL)
- Certificate in Water
Harvesting and Management (CWHM)
- Certificate Programme
in Functional English (Basic level) (CFE)
- Certificate Programme
in Laboratory Techniques (CPLT)
- Certificate Programme
in Rural Development (CRD)
- Certificate Programme
Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (CTPM)
- Certificate in
Community Radio (CCR)
- Certificate in Consumer
Protection (CCP)
- Certificate in Diabetes
Care for Community Worker (CDCW)
- Certificate in Disaster
Management (CDM)
- Certificate in Early
Childhood Special Education (Cerebral Palsy) (CESE(CP))
- Certificate in
Entrepreneurship (CIE)
- Certificate in
Environmental Studies (CES)
- Certificate in Food and
Nutrition (CFN)
- Certificate in Guidance
- Certificate in Health
Care Waste Management (CHCWM)
- Certificate in HIV and
Family Education (CAFE)
- Certificate in
Information Technology (CIT)
- Certificate in Maternal
and Child Health Care (CMCHC)
IGNOU Bhopal Master’s Degree Courses
- MA (Distance Education)
- Master of Arts
(Economics) (MEC)
- Master of Arts
(English) (MEG)
- Master of Arts (Hindi)
- Master of Arts
(History) (MAH)
- Master of Arts
(Political Science) (MPS)
- Master of Arts (Public
Administration) (MPA)
- Master of Arts (Rural
Development) (MARD)
- Master of Arts
(Sociology) (MSO)
- Master of Arts (Tourism
Management) (MTM)
- Master of
Arts(Education) (MA(Edu))
- Master of Business
Administration (MBA)
- Master of Commerce
- Master of Computer
Applications (MCA)
- Master of Education
(MEd )
- Master of Library and
Information Science (MLIS)
- Master of Science
Degree in Dietetics and Food Service Management (MSc(DFSM))
- Master of Science in
Counselling and Family Therapy (MSC(CFT))
IGNOU Bhopal PG and Advance Diploma
- PG Diploma in
Translation (PGDT)
- Post Graduate Diploma
in Disaster Management (PGDDM)
- Post Graduate Diploma
in Educational Management and Administration (PGDEMA)
- Post Graduate Diploma
in International Business Operations (PGDIBO)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Analytical Chemistry (PGDAC)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Audio Programme Production (PGDAPP)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Distance Education (PGDDE)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in District Health Management (PGDDHM)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Education Technology (PGDET)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Environment and Sustainable Development (PGDESD)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Food Safety and Quality Management (PGDFSQM)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Geriatric Medicine (PGDGM)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Higher Education (PGDHE)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Journalism and Mass Communication (PGJMC)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH )
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Radio Prasaran (PGDRP)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Radio Programme Production (PGDRPP)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Rural Development (PGDRD)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Social Work (PGDSW)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
Programme in Acupuncture (PGDACP)
IGNOU Bhopal Bachelor’s Degree Courses
- Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of English
- Bachelor of Library and
Information Science (BLIS)
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Bachelor Preparatory
Programme (BPP)
- Bachelor of Arts
(Tourism Studies) (BTS)
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Computer
Applications (BCA)
- BSc (Hons) in Optometry
& Ophthalmic Techniques (BSCHOT)
- BSc Nursing (Post
Basic) (BScN(PB))
IGNOU Bhopal Diploma Courses
- Diploma in Creative
Writing in English (DCE)
- Diploma in Early Childhood
Care and Education (DECE)
- Diploma in HIV and
Family Education (DAFE)
- Diploma in Management
- Diploma in Nursing
Administration (DNA)
- Diploma in Nutrition
and Health Education (DNHE)
- Diploma in Tourism
Studies (DTS)
- Diploma in Urdu Language
- Diploma in Value-Added
Products from Fruits and Vegetables (DVAPFV)
- Diploma in Women’s
Empowerment & Development (DWED)
Bhopal PG and Advance Certificate Courses
- Advanced Certificate in
Power Distribution Management (ACPDM)
- Post Graduate
Certificate in Cyber Law (PGCCL)
- Post-Graduate
Certificate in Endodontics (PGCE)
- Post-Graduate
Certificate in Oral Implantology (PGCOI)
IGNOU Bhopal Non-Credit Programmes
- Certificate in Motor Cycle Service and Repair (CMSR)
- Foundation Course on Education of Children with Disabilities
IGNOU Bhopal Regional Centre Regular Courses
IGNOU Bhopal Master’s Degree
- Master in Social Work (Philanthropy) (MSW)
- PG and Advance Diploma
- Post-Graduate Diploma in Clinical Cardiology (PGDCC)
IGNOU Bhopal Bachelor’s Degree
- Bachelor of Science (BSc)
- Diploma in Civil Engineering (Army only) (DCLE)
- Out of many tools open at IGNOU Shimla, some of the main are:
- Easy access rules
- Modular lists
- Classified Library
- Fit Pupil Care Services
- Renewal of PIC and part-time staff
- Pre-admission counselling for the pupils
- Conducting induction meeting
- Counselling Sittings with LSC Monitoring.
- Conducting Practical Contact sessions
- Conducting Examination
- Good Learning Mechanism System
- Organizing Convocation events at the RC level
- Action on pupil cases
IGNOU Bhopal Contact Details
- Address: 12, Arera Hills, Near Old District Jail, BHOPAL, Madhya
Pradesh-: 462011
- Email: [email protected]