Admissions to the IGNOU Kolkata Regional Centre for the January session of 2023 are now being accepted. Applications must be submitted by March 31, 2023, with the exception of certificate and semester-based programs. The fourth level of Salt Lake City's Bikash Bhawan houses majority of Kolkata's regional centre. You can enrol in undergraduate and graduate courses at the regional campus in Kolkata.

to the IGNOU Kolkata Regional Centre for the January session of 2023 are now
being accepted. Applications must be submitted by March 31, 2023, with the
exception of certificate and semester-based programs. The fourth level of Salt
Lake City's Bikash Bhawan houses majority of Kolkata's regional centre. You can
enrol in undergraduate and graduate courses at the regional campus in Kolkata.
There are
numerous courses available, such as BA, BSc, BCom, BCA, BLIS, MCom, MBA, MCA,
and MLIS. The IGNOU provides more than merely degree-granting courses.
Additionally offered are a PG Diploma, a Diploma, and a Certificate.
Additionally, you can enrol in online and ODL courses at the IGNOU regional
centre in Kolkata.
IGNOU Trending News
IGNOU Kolkata Admission Fee: Students
who wish to apply for any of the programs provided by IGNOU Kolkata must pay
INR 300 as the application fee.
Highlights of the
IGNOU Kolkata Regional Centre
Regional Centre Name
IGNOU, Kolkata Regional Centre
Pin Code:
0370 – 2260216
Email id:
[email protected]
Regional Director
Dr. Shiva Kumar G.N.
Admission 2023
IGNOU Kolkata Regional Centre
Registration for the various courses
provided by IGNOU Kolkata has begun for January 2023. You may get the forms at This regional centre offers undergraduate, master's,
and doctoral degrees of study.
The IGNOU Kolkata branch makes the
admission process very simple for applicants, and the deadline for the January
session is March 31, 2023. They may enter using any offline or online method.
But adhering to the procedures and rules is essential; without it, applicants
cannot enter.
Application for
Admission to IGNOU Kolkata Regional Centre
On IGNOU's official admissions portal,
you can find the application form for admission to various courses. Students
should complete the form completely and accurately. The student must provide accurate
information in the right format. Prior to submit, double-check all the details.
The prior year's educational
certificate must be used for any pertinent information, such as Name and
Birthdate. The admission may be declined if there is a discrepancy in the
information at the time of verification. Before the deadline for admission, the
application form must be completed. There is also a 300-rupee registration fee.
Kolkata UG &
PG Courses and Fee for IGNOU
Bachelor Preparatory Programme
2 years
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
3 years
Bachelor of Library and
Information Science (BLIS)
Bachelor of English (BA)
Bachelor of Education (BEd)
Bachelor of Computer
Applications (BCA)
Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Bachelor of Arts (Tourism
Studies) (BTS)
Master of Arts
3 years
Master of Arts (Tourism
2 years
Master of Arts (Sociology)
Master of Arts (Rural
Master of Arts (Public
Master of Arts (Political
Science) (MPS)
Master of Arts (History) (MAH)
Master of Arts (Hindi) (MHD)
Master of Arts (English) (MEG)
Master of Arts (Economics)
Diploma Programs
at the IGNOU Regional Centre in Kolkata
- Diploma in Creative
Writing in English (DCE)
- Diploma in Early
Childhood Care and Education (DECE)
- Diploma in HIV and
Family Education (DAFE)
- Diploma in Management
- Diploma in Meat Technology
- Diploma in Nursing
Administration (DNA)
- Diploma in Nutrition
and Health Education (DNHE)
- Diploma in Tourism
Studies (DTS)
- Diploma in Value-Added
Products from Fruits and Vegetables (DVAPFV)
- Diploma in Women’s
Empowerment & Development (DWED)
Ignou Certificate Programs at the Kolkata
Regional Centre
- Certificate in Consumer
Protection (CCP)
- Certificate in Disaster
Management (CDM)
- Certificate in Early
Childhood Special Education (Mental Retardation) (CESE(MR))
- Certificate in
Environmental Studies (CES)
- Certificate in Food and
Nutrition (CFN)
- Certificate in Food
Safety (CFS)
- Certificate in Guidance
- Certificate in Health
Care Waste Management (CHCWM)
- Certificate in HIV and
Family Education (CAFE)
- Certificate in
Information Technology (CIT)
- Certificate in Maternal
and Child Health Care (CMCHC)
- Certificate in Newburn
and Infant Care (CNIC)
- Certificate in NGO
Management (CNGOM)
- Certificate in
Nutrition and Childcare (CNCC)
- Certificate in Organic
Farming (COF)
- Certificate in Performing
Arts – Hindustani Music (CPAHM)
- Certificate in
Performing Arts – Kathak (CPAKT)
- Certificate in
Performing Arts – Manipuri (CPAMP)
- Certificate In
Performing Arts -Theatre Arts (CPATHA)
- Certificate in Tourism
Studies (CTS)
- Certificate in Visual
Arts – Applied Arts (CVAA)
- Certificate in Visual
Arts – Painting (CVAP)
- Certificate in Women’s
Empowerment and Development (CWED)
- Certificate of
Competency in Power Distribution (CCPD)
- Certificate Programme
in Functional English (Basic level) (CFE)
- Certificate Programme
in Laboratory Techniques (CPLT)
- Certificate Programme
in Rural Development (CRD)
- Certificate Programme
Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (CTPM)
IGNOU Kolkata UG Courses
- Bachelor of Arts
(Tourism Studies) (BTS)
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Computer
Applications (BCA)
- Bachelor of English
- Bachelor of Library and
Information Science (BLIS)
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Bachelor Preparatory
Programme (BPP)
- BSc (Hons) in Optometry
& Ophthalmic Techniques (BSCHOT)
- BSc Nursing (Post
Basic) (BScN (PB))
IGNOU Kolkata PG Courses
- Master of Arts
(Economics) (MEC)
- Master of Arts
(English) (MEG)
- Master of Arts (Hindi)
- Master of Arts
(History) (MAH)
- Master of Arts
(Political Science) (MPS)
- Master of Arts
(Psychology) (MAPC)
- Master of Arts (Public
Administration) (MPA)
- Master of Arts (Rural
Development) (MARD)
- Master of Arts
(Sociology) (MSO)
- Master of Arts (Tourism
Management) (MTM)
- Master of Business
Administration (MBA)
- Master of Business
Administration (Banking & Finance) (MBF)
- Master of Commerce
- Master of Computer
Applications (MCA)
- Master of Library and
Information Science (MLIS)
IGNOU Kolkata PG & Advance Diploma
- PG Diploma in
Translation (PGDT)
- Post Graduate Diploma
in Disaster Management (PGDDM)
- Post Graduate Diploma
in International Business Operations (PGDIBO)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Adult Education: Participatory Adult Learning, Documentation and
Information Networking (PGDAE)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Analytical Chemistry (PGDAC)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Audio Programme Production (PGDAPP)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Distance Education (PGDDE)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in District Health Management (PGDDHM)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Education Technology (PGDET)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Environment and Sustainable Development (PGDESD)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Financial Management (PGDFM)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Food Safety and Quality Management (PGDFSQM)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Geriatric Medicine (PGDGM)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Higher Education (PGDHE)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Hospital and Health Management (PGDHHM)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Journalism and Mass Communication (PGJMC)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Management (PGDIM)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Marketing Management (PGDMM)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH )
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Operations Management (PGDOM)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Radio Programme Production (PGDRPP)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Rural Development (PGDRD)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
Programme in Acupuncture (PGDACP)
PG Advance Certificate Courses
- Advanced Certificate in
Power Distribution Management (ACPDM)
- Post-Graduate
Certificate in Bangla-Hindi Translation (PGCBHT)
- Post-Graduate
Certificate in Endodontics (PGCE)
Non-Credit Programmes
- Certificate in Motor
Cycle Service and Repair (CMSR)
- Foundation Course on
Education of Children with Disabilities (FCED)
Regular Programs at the IGNOU Regional Centre
in Kolkata
- Master in Social Work
(Philanthropy) (MSW)
- Post-Graduate Diploma
in Clinical Cardiology (PGDCC)
- Diploma in Civil
Engineering (Army only) (DCLE)
facilities include:
- E-commerce centre
- Information technology
- Library
- Yoga Classes
- Cafeteria
- Gymnasium
- Best teaching faculty
- Online learning
management system
IGNOU Kolkata Regional Centre Activities
- Kolkata Regional Centre
of IGNOU has extended its conveyance arrangement in the locale, expanding
the number of Support Centres from 47 (2005) to 66 till March 2007.
- Correspondence
innovation installed conveyance of our projects, as imagined in our
framework, is appreciated by us with due significance.
- RC is currently
re-stressing the need to use the previously existing educational video
programs accessible at the Study Centres, which we know have great
substance as they are delivered and introduced by the best scholastic
cerebrums accessible in each stream.
Kolkata Contact Details
- Address: Regional
Director, Ignou Kolkata Regional Centre, Bikash Bhavan, North Block, 4th
Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091
- E-mail: [email protected]